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Why is Tiger Balm Illegal in the UK

Tiger Balm, a well-known ointment used for various ailments, has been a staple in many households for generations. However, despite its long history and widespread use, Tiger Balm is illegal in the UK. This article delves into the reasons behind this prohibition and explores the complexities surrounding the use of tiger parts in traditional medicine.

The History of Tiger Balm

Tiger Balm, originally developed in the late 19th century, is a topical ointment used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. The ingredients, including camphor, menthol, cajuput oil, and clove oil, are well-documented and have been consistently used in the product since its inception. Despite its long history, Tiger Balm has been subject to misconceptions about its composition, leading to the belief that it contains tiger parts.

Main Ingredients In Tiger Balm

Tiger Balm is a topical ointment used for pain relief and contains a blend of essential oils and other ingredients. The main active ingredients in Tiger Balm include:


Menthol is a key component in most Tiger Balm products, providing temporary relief from minor pains such as arthritis, backaches, bruising, cramps, muscle strains or sprains, and tendonitis.


Camphor is another essential ingredient, which increases local blood flow and acts as a counterirritant to reduce pain and swelling. It is found in various concentrations depending on the product and country of sale.

Capsicum Extract

Capsicum extract, derived from chili peppers, is used in some Tiger Balm products to provide temporary relief from minor muscle and joint aches and pains.

Methyl Salicylate

Methyl salicylate is used in Tiger Balm liniment and active products to temporarily relieve muscle or joint pain, arthritis, bruising, and backaches.

These active ingredients are combined with other essential oils like Cassia Oil, Cajuput Oil, Clove Oil, and Dementholized Mint Oil, which are not officially recognized as active ingredients but contribute to the unique scent and therapeutic properties of the ointment.

Misconceptions and Misinformation

One of the primary reasons Tiger Balm is illegal in the UK is due to the widespread misconception that it contains tiger parts. This misconception has been fueled by the product’s name and the fact that some counterfeit versions of Tiger Balm have been produced in the East, particularly in India and China, which may have contained substances banned in the UK. However, genuine Tiger Balm contains only the ingredients listed on the label, with no tiger parts or derivatives.

The Impact of Misinformation

The misinformation surrounding Tiger Balm has led to significant issues in terms of enforcement and public perception. The illegal trade in tiger parts and derivatives is a major concern, with poaching and smuggling posing significant threats to tiger populations. The confusion over Tiger Balm’s composition has contributed to the problem, as it can lead to unwarranted enforcement actions and unnecessary seizures of products that do not contain tiger parts.

The Importance of Education and Awareness

Education and awareness are crucial in addressing the issue of misinformation surrounding Tiger Balm. The team recommends that efforts continue to be made to develop techniques that distinguish the presence of tiger ingredients in traded products. This includes public awareness campaigns and targeted education for enforcement staff and the judiciary to ensure that they are well-informed about the product and its composition.

The Role of Enforcement Agencies

Enforcement agencies play a vital role in combating the illegal trade in tiger parts and derivatives. The team suggests that enforcement efforts should be targeted towards the genuine article, particularly with regard to follow-up actions. This includes the development of techniques to distinguish genuine tiger parts from counterfeit products and the implementation of effective strategies for intercepting and seizing illegal shipments.

Final Words

Tiger Balm is illegal in the UK due to widespread misconceptions about its composition. The product’s history, ingredients, and the impact of misinformation all contribute to the complexity of the issue. Education and awareness are key in addressing the problem, and enforcement agencies must be well-informed and targeted in their efforts to combat the illegal trade in tiger parts and derivatives. By understanding the reasons behind the prohibition and the importance of accurate information, we can work towards a more informed and effective approach to protecting tiger populations.

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